We got in touch with fellow female founder and friend of The Face Planner, Abbie Roden, to bring you the ultimate London City Guide full of great recommendations. Read more to discover how she maintains calm and balance as a London local and don't forget to bookmark this for your next trip!
Can you tell us a bit about yourself, your background and your connection to London?
I am an American who has been living in London since 2018. I'm originally from Kentucky, but have been in London for nearly 7 years now! My dad is Northern Irish, making me a British citizen, which is how I ended up here. I am the Founder of RODEN -- a marketing & talent agency, and amie, a wine brand.
How do you like to practise wellness and find calm in your city?
I try to do reformer pilates at least 1x per week at @heartcorelife. I am definitely not a daily routine person (I wish I was), but on the days when I do wake up a bit earlier, I try to do a one page journal entry and meditate for 10 minutes using the Calm app -- it really makes me feel great and sets me up for the day.
Are there any spots we should go to for a mindful moment in London?
@remindstudio in Eccleston Yards (go for a sound bath and then for a glass of amie afterwards at @amiewinestudio, just around the corner!). I also love @heartcorelife so much; @jessie_heartcore is Heartcore's founder, and she does a 9am Friday Heartcore on the Mat 'Flow' class that I was obsessed with. It was like therapy. Sadly I can't go whilst pregnant, but really looking forward to making this a part of my Friday routine again when I can.
We’re going out for dinner with friends, where should we make reservations asap?
Well, it's walk-in only, but Canteen in Notting Hill should be top of your list. I've been there twice since it opened and it is so delicious. The pastas, and the chicken! And the deep fried olives, wrapped in sausage, are a must.
What does your perfect day off in London look like?
Start with a Heartcore class in Notting Hill, then meet my husband for coffee and a walk, and end up somewhere delicious for lunch.
What is a “tourist trap” that you secretly love in London?
I really love seeing Big Ben. It's so iconic, and any visitor to London has to see it / get pictures in front of it. My top tip is to go super early on a week day (pre-8:30am) so that you can go before all of the crowds on their way to work / tourists arrive.
Are there any local artists/musicians/creatives that you’re a fan of?
There are so many amazing artists that I love; we do rotating exhibitions at amie wine studio, our wine bar. So far, we've had @frankiethorp, @sshepaints and @ciao_chiara exhibit; and we have a great lineup for 2025 coming up! Other Creatives that I love are of course our Talent roster -- @xanthemross, @patriciaodwyer, @pollyvsayer, @tanyaburr and @joannalari.
How do you stay connected to a sense of “home” in such a big, busy city?
Trying to make our house as cozy as possible! We moved recently to a more residential neighborhood, which we're both so happy with; it's been so nice slowly making it feel like a home.
Last but not least, do you have any hidden gems you can share with us for our next trip to London?
@belgravia_ldn, of course! Our wine bar is there in Eccleston Yards, but so are so many other amazing restaurants, fitness studios, fashion brands, interiors brands, etc. It really is a bustling hub of really cool places.